Adaptation of Xenophobia Scale to Turkish: A Validity and Reliability Study
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Xenophobia scale, Scale adaptation, Validity, ReliabilityAbstract
In this research, we aimed to adapt the Xenophobia Scale developed by Olonisakin and Adebayo (2021) into Turkish. We conducted research on two separate study groups comprising 563 teacher candidates. Before starting the adaptation process of the scale, we obtained necessary permissions from the authors, who developed the original form. When developing the translation form, we removed two of the scale items from the instrument because they were not suitable for the Turkish culture. Afterwards, we performed an item analysis and found that the item correlations of two of the items in the scale remained less than the threshold value of .30. We removed the two items in question, thereby leaving 20 items in the scale. In the applied EFA and CFA, we obtained a two-dimensional structure that overlaps with the original form of the scale. In the reliability analysis, we determined that the internal consistency coefficients exceeded .70 criterion values for both subscales. In conclusion, the results we acquired from psychometric analyses indicate that the Turkish form of the Xenophobia Scale yielded valid and reliable measurements.
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