The Effect of Supervision in Education on Teacher Quality and Performance

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  • Vicdan Altınok Gazi University, Ankara, Türkiye



It can be said that supervision practices are one of the most emphasized and researched areas. The fact that the problems identified as a result of the supervision practices continue even after many years shows that the desired change and development has not been achieved. The continuing problems regarding the teaching process in the field of education constituted the starting point of this research. The aim is to determine what needs to be done to ensure that supervision practices in education contribute to teacher qualifications and performance. Thus, it is to contribute to the solution of problems in the teaching process at the desired level. İn line with this purpose, opinions were taken from schools at different levels in different provinces and from teachers in different branches in these schools. A total of 56 teachers, 8 from each province at each educational level, participated in the research from Ankara, Kırıkkale, Hatay, Istanbul, Gaziantep, Bursa and Ağrı. Phenomenology pattern, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. A semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher was used to determine what expectations the participants had in terms of contributing to their qualifications and performance while doing their jobs, in line with their opinions about their experiences regarding supervision practices in their schools. Content analysis was used in this research with a qualitative descriptive survey model. As a result of the analysis, the participants mean  that inspections within the framework of the legislation should be carried out with a guidance approach and should contribute to the self-improvement of teachers. They stated that avoiding unnecessary explanations other than the purpose of the audit would positively affect their qualifications. In addition, it has been revealed that conducting the audit with open communication, away from mobbing, and having the right to evaluate the audit process or replace the auditors who have a negative attitude during the audit process will positively affect their performance.İn order for supervision practices to contribute positively to teacher performance and quality; It would be appropriate to provide up-to-date scientific information, to allow teachers to share their experiences with each other within the framework of a culture of discussion, to develop a sense of control in teachers, the supervisor to ask point do not know, giving placeto education sessions and workshops.




How to Cite

Altınok, V. (2024). The Effect of Supervision in Education on Teacher Quality and Performance. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 11(3), 230–246.


