For Editors

Editor in Chief: The Editor-in-chief of a journal has the responsibility to maintain guidelines for selecting and accepting papers submitted to IJPES. We believe that most of the guidelines offered are already understood and subscribed to by experienced researchers and academics.

When a manuscript is submitted to the International Journal of Psychology and Education Studies (IJPES), it first undergoes a preliminary check known as a desk review. The   Administrative Editor first evaluates all manuscripts submitted to journal. It is rare, but an exceptional manuscript or an invited paper can be accepted at this stage by Editor-in-Chief.

The manuscript that do not follow the format specified by the IJPES will be rejected at this stage.

  Inappropriate to IJPES Guidelines (i.e. Manuscript format is not appropriate),

  Lack of originality, novelty, or significance (i.e. Results that are not generalizable,

  Mismatch with the aims and scope of the journal (i.e. Topics that are not of interest to the journal’s   readership)

  Have poor grammar or English language

  Flaws in study design (i.e. Choice of a weak or unreliable method)

  Poor Writing and Organization (i.e. insufficient explanation of the rationale for the study, inadequate   description of methods).

During the evaluation stage,  please check for these qualifications for maintaining the quality of the manuscript:

  Early introduction of the general problem

  Precisely stated questions that are to be answered


  The merit of the study

  Significance of the problem discussed

  Justification of the research

  A brief summary of relevant literature and its implications for the research problem under study

  The relevance of the citation and its pertinence to the research problem including the time factor.

  Citations must provide the rationale for research and should also be a primary source.

  Relationship of the problem to previous research should also be made clear.

  Introduction to manuscript



  Relevance & Significance

  Discussion and Conclusion.


  Supplementary Materials


Ethical Obligations for Editor:

  1. An editor should give unbiased consideration to all manuscripts offered for publication, judging each on its merits without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author(s).
  2. An editor should consider manuscripts submitted for publication with all reasonable speed and attention. The sole responsibility for acceptance or rejection of a manuscript rests with the editor. Manuscripts may be rejected without review if considered inappropriate for the journal.
  3. The editor and members of the editorial team should not disclose information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than those from whom professional advice is sought. After a decision, the editor may disclose manuscript titles and authors’ names of papers that have been accepted for publication.
  4. An editor should respect the intellectual independence of authors.


Section Editors

The Section Editors of IJPES have an obligation to judge the  merit of the  manuscripts, including;

 Find appropriate reviews for the manuscript.

 Comprehend reviews' comments, and make a primary decision.

 If the manuscript needs revision, send it back to the author with the comments from the reviewers. The section editor could add some revision advise as well. After the revised manuscript is returned by the Author(s), look over the revised version and make sure the Author(s) has done the revision as request.

 After adequate revision, the manuscript could be accepted as the preprint version which is waiting for the layout edit scheduling.


Ethical Obligations for Section Editors:

 The Section editors should give unbiased consideration to all manuscripts offered for publication, judging each on its merits without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author(s).

 The Section editor should consider manuscripts submitted for publication with all reasonable speed and attention. The sole responsibility for acceptance or rejection of a manuscript rests with the editor. Manuscripts may be rejected without review if considered inappropriate for the journal.

 The Editor and members of the editorial team should not disclose information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than those from whom professional advice is sought. After a decision, the editor may disclose manuscript titles and authors’ names of papers that have been accepted for publication.

 An editor should respect the intellectual independence of authors.