Reflection of Gender Inclusivity in the English Language Textbooks of 5th Grade of Primary Education in West Bengal

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  • Ankur Nandi Kalyanı University, Bengal, India
  • Tarini Halder Kalyanı University, Bengal, India
  • Tapash Das Kazı Nazrul University, Bengal, India



Gender reflection, Inclusivity, English language, Textbooks, Primary education, West Bengal


Textbooks play a pivotal role as agents of social change, shaping the perspectives and values of students from a young age. Through the content presented in textbooks and the experiences within the classroom, students learn to internalize gender socialization, social norms, beliefs, and roles. These educational materials can also contribute to inequality and bias, influencing how students perceive and accept gender dynamics in society. This study examines the reflection of gender inclusivity in the English language textbooks used in Class V of primary education in West Bengal. Five aspects of the textbooks were analyzed to assess gender inclusivity: (i) Male and Female Orientation in Titles, (ii) Male and Female Orientation in the Theme of the Lesson, (iii) Male and Female Nouns, (v) Male and Female orientation in Imagery, (v) Male and Female Generic Construction, and (vi) Gender Assumption within the Textbooks. The research was conducted using a documentary research method followed by a qualitative approach through content analysis. The findings reveal that gender patriarchy and bias are present in English textbooks. Overall, the results indicate that males are more prominently featured in the textbooks, both in images and text, while females are still underrepresented. In conclusion, the reflection of gender exclusivity was found in the English language textbooks used in Class V of primary education in West Bengal. The researcher suggests that these insights could be beneficial for textbook development agencies, authors, and educators in creating a gender-sensitive curriculum and educational materials.

Author Biographies

Tarini Halder, Kalyanı University, Bengal, India

Tarini Halder

Presently, Prof. (Dr.) Tarini Halder is working as a Professor in the Department of Education, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India. He obtained an M.A. in History and Education, and a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India. He has qualified for NET and SET in education. He has acted as a resource person in many national and international seminars and conferences and presented many research his research work at many universities, state, national, and international level seminars, and conferences. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed national and international journals and more than 20 book chapters in edited books. Along with these publications he also published more than 10 textbooks for different higher education level courses. Under his supervision, many scholars were awarded M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees.

Tapash Das, Kazı Nazrul University, Bengal, India

Tapash Das

Dr. Tapash Das now serving as Assistant Professor in Education at Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal, India with more than six years of teaching experience. He has done M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in Education and is qualified for UGC NET and WB-SET in Education. He has authored many chapters in National and international edited volumes as well as many articles in several reputable peer-reviewed referred journals with high impact factors. He has acted as a resource person, Speaker and participated in many national and international seminars and where he has delivered papers.




How to Cite

Nandi, A., Halder, T., & Das, T. (2025). Reflection of Gender Inclusivity in the English Language Textbooks of 5th Grade of Primary Education in West Bengal. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 12(1), 29–46.


