Inclusive Education Through the Eyes of Teachers

This research was conducted in order to determine the present situation, as experienced by teachers from different branches, serving in secondary schools of the Ministry of National Education in Aksaray, regarding inclusive education. In the literature search, ERIC & Taylor Francis database was searched over keywords. The articles related to the problem situation of the research were selected and included in the article. In addition, the sources I have access to have been used while writing the literature and these studies have been included in the bibliography. More specifically, a total of 22 teachers from six different branches serving in secondary schools of the Ministry of National Education in Aksaray Central District (Turkey) participated in the present research, which combined a qualitative research method and a case study. Purposive sampling and convenience sampling among nonrandom sampling types were used in order to select the research participants. The selection criteria were as follows: serving in secondary schools of the Ministry of National Education in Aksaray Central District (Turkey), having students in their class from disadvantaged groups. Research data were collected via semi-structured interviews with questions devised by the authors in accordance with the related literature and research objectives. In the analysis of the data, content analysis methodology was utilized. In the research, it was found that teachers have a general idea about what inclusive education is, and that they think inclusive education is necessary and has advantages and disadvantages according to the way it is applied, that teachers and students should have in-service training to improve of inclusive education, and that improving schools’ physical opportunities was a factor in improving inclusive education. Research results were discussed in relation to the related literature and some suggestions were presented.Downloads
How to Cite
ŞİMŞEK, ÜNAL, & KILCAN, B. (2019). Inclusive Education Through the Eyes of Teachers. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 6(3), 27–37.
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