Links Between Disadvantage and Educational Achievement in a Low-income Urban Setting in Bangalore, India

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This study focused on the experiences that contributed to the academic achievement of students in disadvantaged settings in India. In India, young people in disadvantaged neighbourhoods are at higher risk of underachievement and dropping out of school. However, some of them achieve highly despite their adverse circumstances and experience. Through interviews with 12 high achievers and their school principal, this study explored the perceived factors that contributed to their academic achievement. Data were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis, and findings indicate a combination of protective factors at different levels – individual, family, school, and community – that contribute to resilience and achievement. The supportive relationships that these adolescents have at the different levels contribute to their achievement directly and indirectly. The findings are discussed in relation to theory with future considerations for Indian-centred research that can inform interventions in disadvantaged and low-income urban communities.

Author Biographies

Arshia CHATTERJEE, Queen’s University Belfast, School of Psychology, Northern Ireland, UK

Arshia Chatterjee received her MSc degree from the School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast. Her research interests include childhood adversity, educational inequality, and social disadvantage.

Stephanie BURNS, Queen’s University Belfast, School of Psychology, Northern Ireland, UK

Stephanie Burns, PhD, is a Lecturer based at the School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast. Her research focuses on issues of social identity, multiculturalism and respect for diversity; inclusivity in education; and shared & collaborative models of education.




How to Cite

CHATTERJEE, A., & BURNS, S. (2021). Links Between Disadvantage and Educational Achievement in a Low-income Urban Setting in Bangalore, India. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 8(4), 223–236.


