Does Psychological Maladjustment Mediate the Relationship Between Students’ Perception of Teacher Rejection and Educational Stress?

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  • Behire Kuyumcu Gazi University



This study examined the mediating role of psychological maladjustment in the relationship between Turkish high school students’ perception of teacher rejection and educational stress levels. The study was based on a sample of 399 high school students located in Turkey (231 students were female; 168 students were male). The Teacher’s Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire: Child Version Short Form, the Personality Assessment Questionnaire: Child Version, Education Stress Scale, and Personal Information Form were used as measures. Result revealed that psychological maladjustment mediated the relationship between perception of teacher rejection and educational stress. Additionally, the results showed that female students’ educational stress levels, psychological maladjustment levels, and GPAs were significantly higher than male students. However, male students’ perception of teacher rejection levels was significantly higher than female students. Results also documented that younger female and male students tended to recall more educational stress than older female and male students. GPA was significantly and negatively correlated with psychological maladjustment for males. The results may help the expansion of the IPARTheory. At the practical level, school counselors may include individual or group counseling practices to increase students' psychological adjustment in intervention programs to prevent or eliminate educational stress.




How to Cite

Kuyumcu, B. . (2020). Does Psychological Maladjustment Mediate the Relationship Between Students’ Perception of Teacher Rejection and Educational Stress?. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 7(2), 152–164.


